If you decide that you would rather share your travels with a friend, then indeed travelling in a group can be fun and exciting, if not a little stressful (we wouldn't want you to go into it with rose tinted glasses). There are plenty of places which cater for those who wish to travel the world in groups, whether it is with friends or in a group which you may not know.

American Tours and Travel Inc are designed to help students arrange and plan their dream trip as part of a group. If there are a number of you wanting to explore the world then they may be the site to help you on your way. They provide everything for you, from transport (including airfare and bus transport, event coordination and attraction tickets. Although granted this may not be your mountain hiking, luggage lugging traveling you may be thinking of, it certainly meets the needs of thousands of students every year.

"If you decide to travel with one or more people, then my main piece of advice is to make sure that you choose your travel partners very carefully."

Generally travelling in a tour group means maximum excitement along with minimal planning. The itineraries themselves can either be jam-packed full of information and activities, to fairly relaxed. Depending upon how little planning you want to do, you may want to have a little shop around as to who you travel with. Traveling with a tour group can be very stress-free on your part, with minimal planning of the travel arrangements and accommodation. You will be traveling with experts whose main priority is giving you the best experience available rather than spending all of your money, although staying in clean accommodations can add to the expense. Within the tour groups, the activities can range from educational through to adventures. You may be the type who would rather learn about the countries you visit, develop an understanding of the culture and various ways of life. If so, then Explorica may be the company for you. You can sign up for a tour and allow the special tutors to educate you until your heart is content. If however you would rather partake of active travels whereby you are tested every single day, then the adventure tours may be a little more up your street, you may want to ask your companies whether they can accommodate for your needs.

Gap Year experts, The Leap know a thing or two about having the ultimate Gap Year or traveling experience with your friends. Specializing in Gap Year travels, who conduct thorough placement planning, along with the delightful mix of eco-tourism, community and conservation - there is little they don't know. Gap Year expert Rosie Cornick gives us a few tips on travelling within a group:

"If you decide to travel with one or more people, then my main piece of advice is to make sure that you choose your travel partners very carefully. It is a hugely testing experience travelling with other people. You will be in a far more intensive environment than you probably ever have been before. Make sure that you keep lines of communication open with each other so things that may be bothering you get raised and sorted and won't fester turning into friendship-ruining issues. It's also important to adapt and compromise to each other. If you know that your friend takes half an hour longer than you to sort themselves out in the morning then make sure you set the alarm half an hour earlier if you need to be somewhere. The best way to ensure you all having as good a time as possible is to balance the give and take!"


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