Strapped for cash? Need to get away? It can be done. Alright, so you may need a little more than $20, but even so, you needn't be a millionaire to travel. So perhaps the U.S. Dollar may not be the greatest currency at the moment, but it is recovering so why not take advantage of it? It is getting better against the Euro. However, against the Pound, Australian Dollar, Yen and Canadian Dollar it is still slightly struggling.

Vietnam is getting more and more popular, however is still very cheap for those who wish to explore. You can get by spending as little as possible and yet learn a world of knowledge at the same time. Costa Rica, Argentina and Cambodia can offer a cheap alternative to Europe. Or there's the backpacker's favorite of Australia. Travelling to India can mean you get up to 20% extra for your dollar, which is always a plus.

Argentina went from being among the richest countries in the world to one of the cheapest, worth a visit for those who would like to explore the world whilst saving the dollars at the same time. Argentina has been subject to inflation which has meant that the cost has risen. However, since 2008 the inflation has decreased and stabilized.

"To find an affordable meal, eat at noodle stalls for under $10"

Travelling to India can be worth your while, whilst keeping the costs down for you. Bear in mind that you may not get silver-service at your chosen hostel and close-to-mediocre transport at best. India is home to more than one billion people. Once you arrive at India, you may expect to take part in one of their biggest sports: cricket. So, brushing up or learning some cricket skills may be a great idea. You may want to head over to India during November through to February; generally the best weather is during this time. India soaks in culture, and thrives off those many religions within the country, including Hindu, Muslim and Christianity. When travelling to India, one place you cannot miss out on visiting is Goa. It is the fourth smallest place in India by population, but is something which should not be ignored. Full of free things to do and visit, including its breath-taking beaches and agriculture which can leave you lost for words.

You could spend thousands of dollars on a trip to a tourist centre. Of course you will have a good time, but that isn't the point when travelling. You will have a good time, that is guaranteed, however the point is to experience various cultures from all over the world. There are plenty of cheap places to visit in Central and South America, which will mean that being local, you can spend a short time visiting places which are a little closer to home. Roatan Island for example isn't exactly what you may think of as a vacationer's paradise, however you are travelling not vacationing and you are expanding your knowledge of the world. The Caribbean paradise happens to be truly amazing. All year round the temperatures are at a stable 70 - 80 degrees Fahrenheit and consist of sun, sea and sand, not to mention the second largest barrier reef perfect for the scuba divers amongst us.

Travel writer and general travel expert, Tim Leffel knows a thing or two about where to go to save a buck or two. Even in some of the most expensive cities in the world, there can be a hidden trove of treasure just waiting to be unleashed upon the bargain hunter. He explains: "At about $5 for a pint and $8 for a single Tube ride, that London pub crawl is going to cost you. But London does have a better choice of hotels in all ranges than most other European capitals, and most of its fantastic museums are always free."If however you are traveling to the Japanese capital of Tokyo, then hunting for a bargain meal can be easier than you thought: "To find an affordable meal, eat at noodle stalls for under $10, or explore the unique Japanese culinary stop: the department store basement. Seibu Department Store in the Ikebukuro area is a destination in itself, with two giant underground floors of food stalls extending several city blocks. The prim uniformed greeters bow as you enter." Visit his site, Perceptive Travel to find out more about what this travel expert has to say.


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