Other Superb Resources

Write to Travel - A varied blog picking out some of news highlights from the travel industry. Also features some good job tips from time to time.

TravelMole - The TravelMole community is a great place to make connections and catch up on news from the travel industry, which is vital for inspiration. Do sign up for the newsletter, but they�ll arrive frequently to the point of annoyance sometimes.

Journalism Jobs - Probably the best resource for journalists ever to be appear online. Do exercise caution before applying though - freelance writers and qualified journalists are two very different things, so pay attention to the job brief to make sure you understand the requirements.

Craigslist - It�s an obvious one but make it part of your morning routine to check out the writing/editing section in your area. Although most of the jobs won�t appeal to you and there are a few scams out there, it only takes a minute to flick through and gems do crop up occasionally. The scams do get flagged pretty quickly, but use common sense.

No!Spec - The No!Spec site has recently relaunched and serves the freelance community by fighting against speculative work - that is, working for free in order to �prove yourself� worthy of a paid job. The site pertains mainly to designers but the advice is quite interchangeable for writers, too.


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