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A guide to polar vacations

When you are ready to go on your vacation, you may look into going on a beach vacation full of sun, sea and sangria. What about relaxing in temperatures as low as -80 or even -90 degrees Celsius? You won't be returning from the likes of these temperatures with a glowing suntan, perhaps but for a once in a lifetime experience, it is something you have to witness.

If you choose to brave the weather, wrap up warm pack in your hot water bottle and have a read of the guide to polar vacations (that is Polar as in cold not a vacation with polar bears that would be interesting).

Polar Regions

Polar regions

Upon your cold (perhaps freezing) vacation, the most important thing you will experience is the natural wonders and views to be witnessed. Going through the world's most remote places, and taking in the wildlife and natural wonders. Albeit the Polar Regions are unpredictable because rather than relying on your tour guides and other holiday makers for a good trip you will be relying on Mother Nature. You are advised to go during December and January for the best weather (although still cold), or during their summer months from November to March during this time you will have the best sunlight as well as temperatures as close to normal as possible. As a child whenever you thought of the coldest countries in the world you think of the North and the South Pole, however actually setting up a permanent station at the North Pole is particularly difficult because of the constant sea ice drifting, therefore the nearest place to the North Pole to take a vacation to is, Greenland. The South Pole however is a land-mass, with a desert climate whereby it never rains.

The polar region itself is the iced areas in and around the two poles. The North Polar Region is the Arctic which is mainly frozen; however some Intuits have settled in the areas for many years. The Southern Polar Region is known as the Antarctic, with freezing conditions throughout the year it is hard to imagine setting up a semi-permanent life here, yet many scientists have done and remain to do so.

The Coldest places on Earth

cold man

Before you decide to go on your freezing, ice-cold voyage, it may be in your interest to know just where are the coldest places in the world to visit if you are up for the challenge.

Antarctica is officially the coldest place on Earth, as well as the fifth largest continent in area. With approximately 98% of the continent covered in ice, it is cold, windy and dry and a desert (it may not be an easy vacation but who said they have to be easy?). Antarctica itself has no permanent residents, although many visit the place every year and set up posts across the continent. Antarctica has many mountains, including the highest peak of the South Pole Vinson Massif standing at 16,050 feet tall. It also is home to 70 lakes which lie on the ice sheet. You can typically expect temperatures between 15 degrees Celsius at the highest (think New York in October) and - 90 degrees Celsius at the lowest (think, beyond cold). Many may be asking however, why is Antarctica colder than the Arctic, this is because the continent itself is higher than sea level; also the slightly warm Arctic Ocean covers much of the North Polar zone, thus preventing the extreme coldness experienced by Antarctica. Upon your visit (as brief as you would like), you are likely to witness the cold's sea life in their natural environment - such as seals, penguins, blue whales as well as colossal squids and orcas.

Russia is next on the list of very cold countries which you wouldn't want to miss visiting, not only because it is cold but it is also the largest country in the world (you may need a few days, and the rest, to visit). Home to 142 million people and the world's largest, well, everything saying it is big is quite the understatement. Here they will only really experience summer and winter autumn and spring tend to get lost somewhere in between. If you are looking to truly experience the cold weather, then the best time is to go during January. Oymyakon is officially the coldest place in Russia and is known as a close candidate for the coldest places in the world, for a habited place, to say that the ground is constantly frozen puts it into perspective. The average temperatures for Oymyakon in December falls at around -45.5 degrees Celsius and -46 degrees Celsius in January, that is cold! Verkhoyansk is another cold Russain place guaranteed to get you shaking, everywhere. Being the centre of a reindeer raising area, you can be sure to spot one of two on your travels. With temperatures here averaging at -45.8 degrees Celsius in January the climate here is dry with little rainfall or snow, you will be advised to take three of your winter coats, and perhaps wear them all at once.

Another notoriously cold country is by no means a surprise Greenland. It is the world's largest single island, rather than a continent and is part of the Kingdom of Denmark, with officially the least dense population on the world. Many of whom live in Greenland have settled in the ice-free coast along the west coast (the ice sheets take up over two-thirds of the country). Temperatures here can be as low as -20 degrees Celsius; perhaps more than one hot chocolate may do the trick.

Of course, if anyone has ever been to Canada, they could well have noticed that it is very cold there; hence it's worthy place on the list. Being close to the Arctic, there is little wonder it is one of the coldest places to live or visit, and being the second largest country in the world it has a large width of coldness to fill. Their average winter temperatures are as low as between -15 and -40 (if not lower) degrees Celsius, with snow covering certain places for up to six months of the year. In Yukon, the smallest of Canada's territories and the coldest part of Canada, the temperatures are arctic, long and dry with very short summers.

Last, on the list of ice cold countries is America, the country which houses some of the hottest weather and the coldest weather as well. The coldest places to make the list from America include Alaska (shock, horror) and Montana. Prospect Creek currently holds the record for the lowest temperature in the U.S. (-62 degrees Celsius). Although its average January weather is around -5 degrees Celsius, which compared to the list may seem like summer. Rogers Pass, in Montana is the coldest recorded temperature in the U.S. outside of Alaska at -56.7 degrees Celsius set during a very severe cold wave, although the average temperatures ranges from the lowest of -2 degrees Celsius in January (you might as well take out your shades after the previous temperatures on this list).

Vacations, in the cold


Now you know where the coldest places to visit are, the next thing to do is to arrange your rather cold vacation, putting all of this knowledge into practice. Most vacations to the cold climate involve a cruise, staying in some of these places for a whole week may be pushing it slightly. Cold cruises tend to go to Arctic, Antarctic and Alaska some of the coldest places in the world, offering sites from icebergs and glaciers to polar bear and penguins. You can also attempt expeditions, if you feel brave enough. Or if neither appeals to you, then off course you can enjoy the ever popular skiing holidays guaranteed to suite you all.

Cold Vacations - tips


Vacationing in the cold may seem a little daunting, however - done properly, it can easily become a very fun and easy time. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Layers - we all know what it is like when we have to cuddle up in bed with two pairs of socks, three duvets and a clothed from head to foot. Polyester, wool or silk are generally the best materials to use to keep you warm, and then you should go for fleece or wool for the next layer and finish with a water-proof or wind-resistance coat.
  • Pack for every extreme scenario you can think of. Yes it may sound a bit too far, but as they say, it's better to be safe than sorry. Hats and gloves don't take up that much room and are sure to be your best friends on your trip.
  • If you are skiing or even exploring the cold areas, you may want to use the correct gear frost bite and hypothermia are common in freezing temperatures, so ensure you are prepared for the cold including goggles and gloves.
  • Drink carefully! Yes you may hear this once too often, but alcohol is known to affect you more in high altitudes so be aware.
  • Enjoy! As cheesy as it sounds, it could be a once in a lifetime experience, so make the most of it.