Ninjas – along with pirates – are an interesting phenomenon that have worked their way into the
hearts of every man, woman and child on this planet. Why? Simply because they are pretty damn
awesome. Just as it says on the
t-shirt, ninjas outperform pirates in just
about every capacity imaginable, and the restaurant business is no different.
The restaurant itself is entirely ninja-themed, right down to staff in full ninja regalia surprising
guests by jumping from the ceiling, simultaneously offering to take them to their seat whilst
launching a projectile weapon into their face (the latter may or may not actually happen). The
outing itself is on the whole a pricier night out than most, but customer reviews of the
“experience” rate it as extremely positive, both in terms of the ninja aspect and the quality of the
food, which itself arrives in a variety of ways, from the salad hidden inside an eggshell, to a dish
being covered in dry ice, invoking a “mysterious” atmosphere and even the menu is ninja-tastic,
being written entirely on a scroll. On top of all this, one particular dish involves the recipient
removing a sword from the container, only to have dry ice gush out. They also have a branch in
New York, for those living
less locally to Tokyo.